Chemical peel treatment has become one of the most popular skin therapies to rejuvenate skin and reduce skin problems. Whether you want to treat acne scars, fight signs of aging, or give your facial skin an instant glow, chemical treatment is an effective nonsurgical procedure.
Since this treatment involves the application of a chemical agent, an experienced cosmetic doctor must perform it.
What is Chemical Peel Treatment?
There are different types of chemical peel treatments, and the process may vary depending on the treatment you select and the skin issue you want to treat.
In a basic treatment, the practitioner applies a chemical solution to the skin that thoroughly exfoliates the surface. Eventually, this removes the outer and/or middle skin layer, allowing new skin growth that covers the lower layer. This results in clearer and smoother skin.
The chemical peels help in improving and treating various skin issues, including:
Fine lines and wrinkles
Sagging skin
Scars and crow’s feet
Sun damage
The treatment work enhances the turnover rate of the skin cells and encourages the natural collagen production of your skin. It also unclogs the pores that gradually clear up the acne. Your skin will become more even-toned, dewy, and radiant. Keep in mind, the chemical peel treatments are not supposed to treat severe issues or deep aging spots.
Things to Do Before Getting the Treatment
Before the treatment, you will be asked to apply creams like tretinoin cream for a few days, depending on the skin issue that needs to be treated.
Moreover, your practitioner might also recommend you to take some medications if your skin is sensitive. You will also have to use a good sunscreen before and after the treatment to enhance skin protection.
Things to Expect During the Treatment
Your skin will go through an intense peeling process during this treatment. You can choose the type of peel you want. The intensity of the peels varies from very light to medium depth. It is best to select the peel intensity your practitioner recommends.
The entire treatment takes about an hour, and the skincare practitioner stays with you throughout to make sure there aren’t any side effects as the solution dries.
You will first be asked to lie face up, and your skin will be thoroughly cleaned to remove any residue of sunscreen, makeup, and oil. It is essential to remove all oil from the surface of your skin, as it could prevent the acid solution from going deep in the skin.
Your practitioner might apply an ointment around the sensitive areas, like around the eyes, mouth, and nose, to ensure the chemical doesn’t pool. Your lips will be protected with a lip ointment.
Then the acid will be applied to your skin. The length of time is dependent on the type and strength of the peel. If a mild peel is used, it doesn’t require the application of a neutralizing agent. However, the neutralizing agent is needed, when a stronger peel is used to stop the acid from penetrating further.
You might feel a slight tingling or burning sensation due to the chemical composition. The amount and severity of the tingling or burning will vary depending on the peel and the sensitivity of your skin. Because the reaction varies from person to person, some people don’t even feel minor tingling.
The chemical will react with your skin to dissolve the dead skin, even out the texture and tone of the skin, while encouraging collagen production. Your skin might swell or redden, which is normal as it is undergoing a regeneration process.
What to Expect After the Treatment
Results may be instant or might take a few weeks to notice. Again, it also varies from person to person. Some witness results within a day or two after the treatment, while others start seeing results after three weeks.
You might experience some side effects after the chemical peel, depending on the type of peel you selected. Some experience reactions like sunburn or redness of the skin that gradually subside within a week.
Deep or medium depth peels might cause swelling or blisters that will crust, break, become brown and then peel off with one to two weeks. You might require bandages for some part of your skin for a few days.
Make sure you avoid going out in the sun for at least two months or take the right precautions to protect your fragile skin.
Should you get a Chemical Peel?
Are you wondering whether the chemical peel is the right treatment for you?
Usually, light-haired individuals are good candidates for this treatment. It is also suitable for darker skin, but it might cause an uneven skin tone, unless you are getting it done on your face, neck, and hands.
Severe wrinkles, bulges, and skin sags might not be properly treated through this treatment. If you have these issues, then other treatments, like dermal filler procedure, might be more effective. Make sure to consult your practitioner to share your concerns and to determine which treatment would be best for you.
How often should you get Chemical Peel Treatment?
Typically, it is recommended to get the chemical peel treatment after four to six weeks. The mild chemical peels can be repeated after one to two weeks, until you get the results you were hoping for, and then once a month would help in maintaining the results.
The medium-depth chemical peels can be repeated after six months to yearly treatments, if required. If you have acne issues, you can opt for the peels every two to three weeks until you get the desired results.
Getting a chemical peel can revitalize your skin and leave it younger looking. If you have any more questions or concerns about the chemical peel treatment then feel free to drop by at our West Hampstead, London clinic.
Our cosmetic doctor will help you explain the procedure and answer any query during the consultation. To restore that youthful skin and rejuvenate your appearance, book an appointment today.